It’s everyone’s journey
Championing equal access on public transport
‘It’s everyone’s journey’ brings together those who want to improve public transport for disabled people and deliver real change. It has been developed by the Department for Transport in partnership with industry, disability groups and disabled people.
How everyone can make a difference

Disabled people travel up to a third less than non-disabled people. This has an impact on access to employment, healthcare, education and social activities. Barriers to public transport are not limited to reliability and the physical infrastructure but also include the attitudes and behaviours of staff and fellow passengers.
If everyone using public transport takes small steps to be mindful of their fellow passengers, we can all make transport more inclusive.
Read a transcript of the video
BSL and audio described versions of our videos are also available on YouTube.
For people with a hidden disability, it can be really hard to show other passengers that we need extra help when we’re travelling.
When I’m on my own I find I have to explain myself to other passengers about why I need a seat…It can be really helpful if people try to avoid the priority seat that might be so important to someone else
Read Abdul’s story, where he shares his experiences
Join the conversation by sharing your stories which demonstrate how a little consideration can go a really long way.
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Improving transport for everyone
Innovative and practical steps are being taken to improve transport for disabled people up and down the country. Explore case studies from transport operators who are making transport more inclusive.
At Greater Anglia, we are really serious about doing better in this area. We want everyone to have a good journey with us, so giving our staff the skills and knowledge to always have accessibility in the forefront of their minds will help us achieve that step-change in customer service that we are seeking to provide.
Greater Anglia pioneers staff training on accessibility issues.